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Family Education Program

A group that provides resources and training to friends and family members of a person struggling with a Substance Use Disorder (SUD).  Led by a rotating team of experienced professionals in the field of SUD's. 

Meeting on Thursday

at 6:30 pm


For more information, contact:

Denise Carl at 


Family Support


Loving Someone with a Substance Use Disorder

 Join us on this journey of education, support, and faith as we seek to learn more about the disease of addiction and how it affects a family. Our goal is to open our hearts and minds towards healing, not only for our loved one, but also for ourselves as we share experience, strength and hope.


Meeting on Sunday

at 5:00 pm-6:30

12445 Patterson Ave.

Richmond, VA 23238

p: 804-708-5330


For more information contact:

Alison Burleson at 

Other Local Meetings

BALM Family Recovery

We are a full service online educational program focused on helping ALL families be their loved one’s BEST chance at recovery from Substance Use  Disorders and other Use Disorders.

Enjoying Outdoor

Pam Lanhart, author and Founder, co-Executive Director of
Thrive Family Recovery Resources

Thrive! Family Recovery Resources seeks to bring hope and
restoration to the families

You’re desperate for a way to help your loved one. Everybody‘s telling you to get rid of them, to kick them out and cut them off—but it doesn‘t feel right. After trying countless ways to deal with the situation, hopelessness sets in, leaving you with no choice but to stand by and watch. Inside BALM, Beverly Buncher opens your eyes and shows you the truth—it‘s false to say there‘s nothing you can do. This is a step-by-step guide to family recovery.

Beyond Addiction

Beyond Addiction goes beyond the theatrics of interventions and tough love to show family and friends how they can use kindness, positive reinforcement, and motivational and behavioral strategies to help someone change. Drawing on forty collective years of research and decades of clinical experience, the authors present the best practical advice science has to offer. Learn how to use the transformative power of relationships for positive change, guided by exercises and examples.


Is someone you love addicted? Have you found yourself wondering if all of your efforts to “help” or “fix” your loved one are really going the right direction? Addictions to prescription meds, opioids, alcohol and other substances are growing at exponential rates and ripping our families apart. What are the best strategies to help someone in bondage to a substance that drive real results?

Mastering the Addicted Brain

For anyone trying to overcome an addiction, living with someone with an addiction, or helping someone with an addiction As most drug and alcohol addicts eventually realize, good intentions alone aren't enough to break destructive habits. However, addiction can be managed once its true nature is understood. This simple yet profound guidebook takes you step-by-step through the process of building a life after addiction by adopting new behaviors that create lasting change.


Does your life feel like it's out of control? Perhaps you feel like you have to say yes to everyone's requests. Maybe you find yourself readily taking responsibility for others' feelings and problems. Or perhaps you focus so much on being loving and unselfish that you've forgotten your own limits and limitations. In the New York Times bestseller, Boundaries, Drs. Henry Cloud and John Townsend help you learn when to say yes and know how to say no in order to take control of your life.

It Takes A Family

Most books on recovery from addiction focus either on the addict or the family. While most alcoholics and addicts coming out of treatment have a recovery plan, families are often left to figure things out for themselves. In It Takes a Family, Debra Jay takes a fresh approach to the recovery process by making family members and friends part of the recovery team, beginning in the early stages of sobriety.

Contact us at:

Illume Family Recovery, Inc.
9702 Gayton Road, PMB# 190
Richmond, VA 23238
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